After a busy year 2018 and above all a 20th anniversary celebrated with our partners and customers, it was important to continue to build on our experience. The challenges were therefore numerous, one year on, where are we now? Browse through our retrospective project by project.
Launch in 2018, the product Antopolis, digital platform for our cities and public administrations continues to enjoy great success in the market.
As a reminder, the ambition of the project was to digitize our administrations by offering a complete ERP based on the Odoo development framework.
One year after, the results of Antopolis are very positive with not only a huge evolution at the project level but above all with the implementation of the software in many Walloon and Brussels cities.
In addition, we have continued to evolve the product with the following modules:
Cimetery management - the module aims to digitize event organization requests. In practice, the citizen, for his part, has a portal where he can submit his requests, while the municipal official no longer has to deal with a paper file of several pages. He receives a digital summary of the request, which greatly facilitates his daily work.
Cimetery management - makes it possible to have a list of tombs, to manage the end dates of concessions, to identify the beneficiaries,...
- Mobile application - disponible d'une part pour le citoyen, demande de documents, déclaration d'incidents,... d'autre part pour l'agent qui pourra encoder le temps prestés, les tâches réalisées,...

Labelling and certification
BHC obtained a new label in 2019 for its quality and seriousness: "Chèque Entreprise en Cybersécurité".
This new certification is added to the many others already obtained, namely :
Odoo Certification - V11, V12 et V13
Chèque entreprise labelling for digital transformation.
And much mores
MyOdoo Intervention
In 2019, BHC will also have launched a new product based on Odoo to manage personnel on site, MyOdoo Intervention.
The functional coverage is extensive and will allow :
Planning of tasks
Team Geolocalisation
Intervention report (digital)
Encoding of materials used and time spent on a task
Customer signature
Many companies have already taken the plunge in different sectors such as plumbers, electricians and tilers.
Our application is therefore the perfect tool for trades in construction, gardening or even building maintenance.

New Partnership
In order to always offer the best IT solutions to our customers, BHC signed a new partnership in 2019, Allocloud.
Allocloud's offer is extensive and focuses on the following points:
Advanced telephony - Voice Over IP
Personalized messaging
Visio conference solution
Virtual fax machine
Local interactive server
And many new satisfied customers in 2019!
